Not a great picture but a great day of fishing!
Launched the Basscat at sun-up this morning in anticipation that the much-sought after ledge bass of Old Hickory would show up again. Ledge fish have been missing this summer, not sure if it's because of the lack of current or some other anomaly but I was hoping today would be different, and it was.
The first spot I pulled up on was a submerged point tapering off from 12' to about 18' of water with a 20-25' drain on one side and the main river channel on the other side. Nice hard bottom, lots of bait and I was graphing fish under bait fish. Petey-rigged fluke did the trick for numbers but the 12" worm was the real deal for the big fish. A 4 and a 7 came off this spot early so I let the spot rest. I went up-river to look at a few similar spots (long tapering points with hard bottom and bait fish) and was able to duplicate the results. 20-21 lbs for my best five.
So glad I'm not crazy, even if I look like I am in the middle of the river to those who don't know what I know! Planning to double-check the pattern tomorrow and use this in the weekend local tourney if it holds.